Remove ONT -

Remove ONT

In AdminOLT we have 3 ways to Remove an ONU:

Ways to Remove an ONU

It is important to mention that in AdminOLT there are 2 types of ONU removal, one is at the system level which means that only the record in AdminOLT will be deleted and the other is at the system and OLT level which involves deleting the record in AdminOLT and the OLT.

1. How do I remove an Authorized ONU from AdminOLT and my OLT?

To remove an Authorized ONU from AdminOLT and your OLT there are 3 ways to do it:

Remove ONU from AdminOLT and my OLT

The following ways that will be explained remove the ONU from both AdminOLT and your OLT, so it is important to be sure to choose this option.

2. How do I remove an Authorized ONU only from AdminOLT without removing it from my OLT?

To remove an Authorized ONU from AdminOLT without removing it from your OLT there are 3 ways to do it:

Remove Authorized ONU only from AdminOLT

This option only removes the AdminOLT record, therefore the ONU will still appear in the OLT.

3. How do I remove an Authorized ONU only from my OLT without removing it from AdminOLT?

To remove an Authorized ONU from your OLT there are 3 ways to do it:

Remove Authorized ONU only from OLT

This option removes the ONU from the OLT so the ONU will still appear in AdminOLT but now with a status in the OLT as "Cancelled".

Remove ONU from AdminOLT and OLT from Authorized ONU List

1 Go to Authorized ONU List

2 Choose the ONU you wish to remove

3 Confirm the action to remove the ONU from AdminOLT and OLT

4 Wait for it to be removed from AdminOLT and OLT

After finishing this process, we will be directed to the Authorized ONU List and we will see some messages.

Remove ONU from AdminOLT and OLT from Mass Actions in Authorized ONU List

1 Go to Authorized ONU List

2 Choose the ONU you wish to remove

Remove multiple ONU's

With this method, we can also remove multiple ONU's, just click on the checkbox of the ones you wish to remove and follow the aforementioned steps.

3 Confirm the action to remove the ONU from AdminOLT and OLT

4 Wait for it to be removed from AdminOLT and OLT

After finishing this process, we will be directed to the Authorized ONU List and we will see some messages.

Remove ONU from AdminOLT and OLT from ONU Details

1 Go to Authorized ONU List

2 Select the ONU and click on View Details

3 Go to Tools and choose Remove in OLT and AdminOLT

4 Confirm the action to remove the ONU from AdminOLT and OLT

5 Wait for it to be removed from AdminOLT and OLT

After finishing this process, we will be directed to the Authorized ONU List and we will see some messages.

Remove ONU from AdminOLT without removing from OLT from Authorized ONU List

1 Go to Authorized ONU List

2 Choose the ONU you wish to remove from AdminOLT without removing it from OLT

3 Confirm the action to remove the ONU from AdminOLT

4 Wait for it to be removed from AdminOLT

After finishing this process, we will be directed to the Authorized ONU List and we will see some messages.

Remove ONU from AdminOLT without removing from OLT from Mass Actions in Authorized ONU List

1 Go to Authorized ONU List

2 Choose the ONU you wish to remove from AdminOLT without removing it from OLT

Remove multiple ONU's

With this method, we can also remove multiple ONU's, just click on the checkbox of the ones you wish to remove (preferably only "Active" ONU's) and follow the aforementioned steps.

3 Confirm the action to remove the ONU from AdminOLT

4 Wait for it to be removed from AdminOLT

After finishing this process, we will be directed to the Authorized ONU List and we will see some messages.

Remove ONU from AdminOLT without removing from OLT from ONU Details

1 Go to Authorized ONU List

2 Select the ONU and click on View Details

3 Go to Tools and choose Remove in AdminOLT

4 Confirm the action to remove the ONU from AdminOLT without removing it from OLT

5 Wait for it to be removed from AdminOLT

After finishing this process, we will be directed to the Authorized ONU List and we will see some messages.

Remove ONU from OLT from Authorized ONU List

1 Go to Authorized ONU List

2 Choose the ONU you wish to remove in OLT

3 Confirm the action to remove in the OLT

4 Wait for it to be removed from the OLT

After finishing this process, we will be directed to the Authorized ONU List, we will see some messages and the corresponding changes to the ONU record

Remove ONU from the OLT from Mass Actions in Authorized ONU List

1 Go to Authorized ONU List

2 Choose the ONU

April 12, 2024, 3:32 p.m. - Visitas: 9644